
SUNDAYSUBLIME: The Sundays - A Certain Someone

Im Jahr 1990 erscheint das Debüt-Album der Indie-Dreampop-Band The Sundays: Es heißt "Reading, Writing And Arithmetic" und bezieht sich nicht nur auf die schulischen Grundfertigkeiten Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen, sondern auch auf die Heimatstadt der Musiker, Reading in Berkshire. Die Koordinaten der Musik sind damit gelegt, britische Melancholie trifft auf einfache, aber wesentliche Melodien. 10 perfekte Songs, zwischen The Smiths-seligen Gitarrenläufen und dem strahlenden Gesang von Harriet Wheeler, den man als "Missing Link" zwischen den Cocteau Twins und den Cranberries beschreiben könnte. All das macht diesen Erstling zu einem kleinen Klassiker und federleichten Juwel und den Track "A Certain Someone" zu einem sublimen Sonntagssong.


Live your life, have your say
Read your stars, day by day
If I could have anything in the world for free
I wouldn't share it with anyone else but me
Oh, live your life, go your way
And I said oh no
Live your life, stake your claim
Wash your clothes, change your name
Ooh, and I said oh, no, no
If I could have anything in the world for free
I wouldn't share it with anyone else but me
Ooh, ah, you're too twisted by half, but that's far enough
So live your life, build a home
And fill it full of flowers and a bottle of old cologne
Yeah, if I could have anything in the world for free
I wouldn't share it with anyone else but me
Except perhaps a certain someone
Except perhaps a certain someone
Except perhaps a certain someone
Just to be shown another way out
You're too twisted by half, but that's far enough
Oh, I'd be careful living in a block of flats
And I never take the lift to the top
No I never take the lift to the top
Ah, you're too twisted by half
But that's far enough
Take a swim round, take a look down
I'll never believe what we've found
We figured it out, we figured it out
We lived in a house, in a cold room

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